Brazilian Plus Five ★ Rockhampton

Cabana Sensual Massage for women at Man Thing Rockhampton

My name is Andrew Thompson. As an artist, waxer, and masseur, I've worked with women's bodies for decades. I will perform your treatment.


The Brazilian Plus Five is restricted to existing female clients. Read on for full information.

Sensuous relaxation massage for women

The Brazilian Plus Five is for women only, and provides a special ending to your Ladies' Brazilian Wax or Brazilian IPL Hair Removal treatment.

Female Brazilian waxing in Rockhampton IPL Hair Removal Rockhampton

Much lighter than massage, this five-minute window is a delicious seduction, a caress of belly, vulva, breasts, and thighs, with superficial strokes of foreplay.

Intensely arousing, the goal of Plus Five is not to make you climax, but to leave you feeling energised and alive.

Andrew Thompson wears navy blue bikini briefs for sensual massage

Feel free to call me on 4926 7778 or 0422 276 202 if you have any questions or to make a booking. You can also book online.

Have a brilliant day,
Andrew Thompson.

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Andrew Thompson, Man Thing Rockhampton


Prices ★ Brazilian Plus Five Rockhampton

Session time is up to 5 minutes. Your cost is $30 on top of your waxing or IPL price.

FAQ ★ Brazilian Plus Five Rockhampton

Some visitors want brevity, some want detail. To that end, you'll find a short answer to each question, plus links to any related articles I've written in the Backstage section of the site. Enjoy. 😊

Visit the Backstage library of articles

Brazilian Plus Five isn't on your booking form.

That's right. It's not available to clients I don't know.

Before you have a Brazilian Plus Five, I want to perform at least one standard Brazilian with you.

A Brazilian wax is an intimate treatment in its own right, so it works as a great filter. It's important we're comfortable together.

Once we've shared our first intimate treatment, you can simply text me for future sessions.

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Andrew performs massage in yellow Aussie Bums

What could prevent me having this session?

These factors are contraindications.

  • Crazy eyes ðŸĪŠðŸ˜† (Have I got crazy eyes??)
  • Not someone I already know
  • Menstruation
  • Sexually transmittable diseases
  • Vaginal discharge including semen
  • Contagious skin conditions
  • Fungal infection, thrush, sweat rashes, sunburn, open sores, or tinea
  • Body odour, poor hygiene
  • Long body and pubic hair
  • Influenza or Covid-19
  • Broken bones or torn ligaments/tendons
  • Any form of cancer
  • Compromised immune system

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Will you bring me to climax?

Not likely. Maybe. It's just nice. Close your eyes and enjoy it.

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Can I book a Plus Five for my wife?


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male therapist preparing for sensual massage for women in Rockhampton wearing sexy white and blue bikini underpants

Can my husband watch?


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Will you join us for a threesome?


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I have an STI. Can I get a Plus Five?

No. That creates an unacceptably high risk both to myself and to other clients.


Intimate Treatments in Rockhampton

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What will I wear?

The Plus Five will flow on naturally and seamlessly after your Brazilian wax, so whatever you were wearing before, you'll be wearing after.

I understand that some women are very sensitive about showing their breasts. The Plus Five includes boobs by default, so if you don't want me to go there, keep a top or bra on and I'll steer clear.

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What will you wear?

I'm normally in shorts or togs, but happy to work nude. You just need to sign a consent form. If you'd like to know what that looks like, my nude pics are in the Manzilian Wax Photo Gallery.

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What should I try next? Cabana or City Beach?

If you just want slightly intimate relaxation massage, the City Beach is nice. That said, it's entry-level intimacy, quite tame compared to a Plus Five.

In comparison, the Cabana Massage is medium to high-level intimacy. We'll both be nude.

I'll massage your entire body including vulva, breasts, and thighs, and I will digitally caress your clitoris and vaginal depths.

My penis will be hard and brushing your body throughout. It's yours to explore and enjoy.

City Beach Relaxation Massage in Rockhampton Cabana Sensual Massage for women in Rockhampton

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