Core Restore Sessions ★ Man Thing Rockhampton

Combined massage and workout sessions to help reclaim your core strength at Man Thing Rockhampton

My name is Andrew Thompson. I've worked with men's muscles, fitness, aesthetics, and diet for over 30 years, and I will be your therapist.


Note: Core Restore is a combination treatment of massage, exercise, and nutrition advice to strengthen your core and trim your waist. For other types of massage, check the nav menu up top.

Your Core is Everything

The size and shape of your body is what everybody sees first.

It's how you're judged on every single level - sexually, professionally, even within your circle of friends.

You're either the ripped guy everyone envies, the Dad bod who goes unnoticed, or the fat bloke all the guys make fun of.

You know it's true.

Aside from aesthetics, your core keeps your entire body strong and your spine supported, and helps maintain your organs in optimal health.

You can't feel truly fit, capable, or self-confident with a weak core.

older man working out to fight off effects of aging

By extension, your emotions are impacted as well, and that affects your happiness, relationships, mental health, and quality of life.

So repeat it with me now. My core is everything.

It's time to give it some love.

Before you book a treatment, please read the FAQ so you know what to expect.

Feel free to call me on 4926 7778 or 0422 276 202 if you have any further questions or to make a booking. You can also book online.

Have a brilliant day,
Andrew Thompson.

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Andrew Thompson, Man Thing Rockhampton


Prices ★ Core Restore

Your Core Restore session will take 30 - 40 minutes. I recommend once a week for two weeks then monthly to check your technique and progress.

Core Restore special price

Frequently Asked Questions ★ Core Restore

Some visitors want brevity, some want detail. To that end, you'll find a short answer to each question, plus links to any related articles I've written in the Backstage section of the site. Enjoy. 😊

Visit the Backstage library of articles

What exactly is the core?

The core is the middle section of the body. Usually it includes muscles of the stomach, pelvis, and bum.

However, those areas interact constantly with the upper legs, so when I refer to the core, I include them as well, particularly the hamstrings and quads.

Human Muscles

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How will Core Restore assist me?

  • Session comprises massage with exercise and stretching.
  • Based on Remedial Massage, physiotherapy, and fitness training.
  • Helps address hip, knee, lower back, and sciatic pain.
  • Tightens waist, glutes, obliques, and abs.
  • Releases tension in tight ligaments and helps restore pliability of fascia.
  • Improves sitting and standing posture, spine support, and range of movement.
  • Teaches you safe and effective technique so you can keep doing core work at home.

Remedial Massage Therapist in Rockhampton

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What level of fitness do I need for Core Restore?

You don't need to be super-fit but you can't be obese either.

I will be supporting your body weight briefly and intermittently. For your safety and for mine, Core Restore sessions are not suitable for clients with a BMI over 30.

You can use the Heart Foundation BMI Calculator to determine where you fit on the scale.

If your BMI is above 30, discuss your options for dropping weight with your GP or dietitian before starting any core strengthening regimen.

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What should I wear to my Core Restore session?

Keep it simple. Wear footy shorts, bike shorts, togs or undies.

I will need to massage your hammies, abs, and glutes throughout, so no long or baggy shorts or anything with pockets, belt loops, or very tight elastic.

You will also need to wear sports shoes. No crocs or flip flops.

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man in swimming togs with narrow waist and visible abs

What preparation do you recommend?

In the days leading up to your Core Restore session, hydrate and exercise. Get your fluids and electrolytes flowing. Eat some vegetables. Back off the wheat and rice. Simple stuff.

The day before, avoid any exercises that engage the core, e.g. no sit ups, crunches and so on.

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Does a strong core improve sexual wellbeing?

From a western perspective, our sex organs need strong support and stability from the muscles of the core to function at peak level.

Large active muscles also stimulate production of testosterone, as does sexual arousal and orgasm. It's all inter-dependent, and when you think about it, very logical.

In Eastern Medicine, all sex-related acu-points, chakras, and lingam centres are located in the core as well, so this isn't new science. We've known about the importance of our core muscles for thousands of years.

Your core and sexual wellbeing are definitely intertwined. When your core is strong, you feel more masculine and virile. It's undeniable. It just happens.

Lingam Massage

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I've neglected my core. It's too late to fix.

If you've neglected your core for many years, don't panic. You muscles are quite forgiving.

Come back and nurture it, reclaim it. Everything just feels better. It's like a light turning on inside you.

Everyone blames aging for their decline in fitness, but our bodies don't stop working because we get older. We get older because we stop working out.

They're machines. Fuel them. It's really very simple to reverse the effects of aging.

Life Stages of the Modern Male

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