RF Skin Tightening ★ Man Thing Rockhampton

RF Skin Tightening relieves lines in skin from weight reduction, aging, and sun damage

Hi and welcome. My name is Andrew Thompson and I will be your therapist. I've been working on human bodies for over three decades.


From our early 20s, our skin begins to slow its rate of collagen production by 1 to 1.5% per year.

This slow decline translates to the visible signs of fine lines and drier skin. By the time we reach middle age, deeper lines and wrinkles have usually formed.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation is the usual go-to solution for most superficial cosmetic problems, however light from IPL and laser can only travel so far beneath the skin. This is where RF or Radio Frequency comes into its own.

RF Skin Tightening, as the name suggests, uses sound waves to heat the collagen fibres that support your skin. Effects are often visible immediately but continue to improve over the weeks and months that follow as those newly strengthened fibres reach the surface of your skin. Another advantage over IPL or laser is that RF can be used on all skin types.

Treatments are non-invasive, comfortable and there is no need for topical creams or pain relief. After treatment, you may feel some residual warmth and have mild pinkness which generally fades within an hour or two.

If you have any further questions or to make an appointment, please call me on 4926 7778 or 0422 276 202. You can also use the handy online form on the Bookings page.

Have a brilliant day.

Andrew Thompson.

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Andrew Thompson, Man Thing Rockhampton

Prices ★ RF Skin Tightening Rockhampton

Common fine line, wrinkle & crepe zones

Note: Decolletage = Upper Chest. Different terms but the same thing. Hands includes fingers.

Face Rockhampton special price RF Skin Tightening face $105

Neck $75

Decolletage $85

Face, Neck & Decolletage limited time book now $265

Hands special price $75

Forearms (upper side) $115

Forearms & Hands combo limited time $190

Quads special price $245

Lower Legs (front & back) limited time book now $370

Common stretch mark, and sagging body zones

Upper Arms (under side) $115

Breasts limited time book now $195

Abs special price abs skin tightening $175

Love Handles (front & back) limited time book now $195

Upper Buttocks $95

Abs, Love Handles & Upper Butt Combo special price skin tightening $465

Lower Buttocks is usually cellulite - see Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

FAQ ★ RF Skin Tightening Rockhampton

Some visitors want brevity, some want detail. To that end, you'll find a short answer to each question, plus links to any related articles I've written in the Backstage section of the site. Enjoy. 😊

Visit the Backstage library of articles

What's the science behind RF Skin Tightening?

Radio Frequency penetrates the skin as diffuse energy, heating the collagen that support your skin. This causes a) the collagen fibres to straighten, and b) enhanced stimulation of fibroblast activity to accelerate production of collagen and elastin fibres in the treated area.

This is why you will see a partial response immediately after treatment, and a continuous response over the weeks that follow.

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I'm not sure whether I need Skin Tightening or Body Sculpting.

RF Skin Tightening and Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation both use sound waves, but that is where the similarities end. RF targets collagen while Body Sculpting targets fat.

It follows that if you want to tighten your skin over an area where you also want fat reduction, that you should get the fat cavitation treatments first, then approach the skin tightening once those goals are achieved.

Ultrasound Fat Cavitation treatments at Man Thing, North Rockhampton

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What will I notice after an RF Skin Tightening treatment?

Your skin may be a little pink or mildly warm for an hour or so but nothing intense. Your skin might also feel a little tight as though it's begging for moisture.

It's an odd but cool sensation, and just means that the collagen fibres are contracting nicely. Once any pinkness or heat has left the skin, definitely moisturise.

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I see you have package deals but will a single treatment be worthwhile?

Yes. The package deals are for people who want to maximise the result, but you will definitely benefit from a single treatment. 

Your skin will even feel a little tighter. It's an odd but cool sensation. Over the following weeks, you will see small improvements to the fine lines on your face as more supportive collagen and elastin fibres reach the surface of the skin.

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What conditions can RF Skin Tightening help with?

This treatment is generally beneficial in any areas where lax or sagging skin is evident. On your face, treatments help smooth out frown lines, fine lines, crows feet, wrinkles, sagging skin, and acne scarring.

On larger body areas, it can help with uneven skin conditions such as cellulite and stretch marks. RF cannot be used over some delicate areas such as lips or eyelids.

Recommended facials for men and women in middle age and over

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What preparation do I need before an RF Skin treatment?

Ideally, come in with clean skin without makeup or moisturiser. ALSO NOTE: you cannot use or hold your mobile phone or any other electronic device during your treatment. You can leave your phone on but not have it with you.

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What contraindications will prevent me having an RF treatment?

  • Pregnancy (we don't want to find out in 10 years time that we gave little Johnny a hearing problem)
  • Hearing aids or auditory implants
  • Pacemaker or other electronic device inside your body
  • Metal implants or screws in or near the area to be treated, e.g. screws in your jaw or teeth will prevent a face treatment
  • Malignant cancers in the area to be treated
  • Infectious skin diseases, whether active or inactive, in the area to be treated
  • Past negative response to an RF or ultrasound treatment

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I have an acne outbreak in the same area I want treated with RF. Is that a problem?

No, although you should eiter receive a simultaneous IPL Acne Removal treatment, or at least address the acne problem first before worrying about RF Skin Tightening.

IPL acne removal treatments available at Man Thing in Rockhampton

The reason for this is that the heat from the RF treatment might cause a flare up of your acne, however if we treat the acne first, even if it's only minutes beforehand, the acne will be neutralised and most probably already dying.

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Can I apply makeup after my RF treatment?

There is very little, if any, downtime from this treatment. As soon as the warmth leaves your skin, it is fine to apply make-up.

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What is the ideal time frame between treatments?

Space your treatments weekly or fortnightly for RF to achieve the best results. Again, there is no reason that you can't just have a single treatment here and there and still see some improvement.

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older man working out to fight off effects of aging

What after-care do I need following RF Skin Tightening?

Stay hydrated and moisturise the treated area with a good quality light moisturiser, particularly during the course of treatments.

For the face, personally I use and recommend Arbre Naturals Light Moisturiser. I keep it in stock, it costs $34 and will last you for months. If the eye area is also an issue, I recommend Arbre Classic Bio-Rebalancing Eye Creme. It costs $76 and again, will last a long time.

For larger body areas, Cetaphil is great for summer as it's light and milky, or Dermaveen during winter, as you need a richer moisturiser in the cooler months. You can buy both from Chemist Warehouse for about $20 a litre.

Reasons why men should regularly moisturise

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Some places advertise bipolar, tripolar and multipolar RF. What's the difference?

Basically, bipolar and tripolar are smaller sized heads that are used primarly on the face, hands, and other small, irregular areas, while multipolar has a larger head for treating big areas like bum cheeks, belly, chest etc.

I generally use bipolar around the nose, eyes, ears, mouth, and nipples, and triipolar on the cheeks, forehead, neck, hands, and nipples. For everything else, I use multipolar.

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Do any treatments boost the results of an RF Skin Tightening treatment?

I cannot recommend highly enough having at least one Intraceuticals Serum Infusion during the course of your treatments.

Oxygen serum infusions are a luxurious facial treatment at Man Thing in Rockhampton

Oxygen is essential to new collagen growth and this hyper moisturising treatment uses hyperbaric medical-grade oxygen to transport nutrients, hyaluronic acid, and powerful anti-oxidants deep into your skin.

You are virtually giving food to the RF treatment, allowing newly activated collagen to respond even better. The result is a massive boost to skin health, evenness, and collagen production.

Hyaluronic Acid and its impact on the human body

You can have a serum infusion any time, but a week before, or two days after your RF session is optimal. You can't have both treatments in the same session as heat and moisturiser don't play nicely together.

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I am trying to soften old scars. Is this the best treatment for that purpose?

Some types of deep scars like old acne scars and stretch marks do benefit from a combination treatments regime using two different types of tech, i.e. alternating treatments of RF Skin Tightening, then a Microderm & IPL Photo Rejuve combo treatment.

This is because the collagen and elastin can actually be quite firm beneath scars and it is good to be able to attack the problem from two different angles.

IPL photo rejuvenation treatments are available at Man Thing, Rockhampton

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Do you recommend microdermabrasion before an RF treatment?

Diamond Microdermabrasion helps clean out your pores and removes dead skin cells from the surface. While it is definitely a great treatment, it will only have a superficial impact on your RF session, so it isn't a necessity.

Diamond Microdermabrasion is the first step to all facial treatments, available at Man Thing in Rockhampton

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